Bottoms for fruit boxes

Floors for wooden boxes for fruit and vegetables

Core business of our company was producing poplar bottoms and elements for wooden packaging, with different sizes and for all purposes. Packaging of our bottoms is mostly
used for storing different kinds of fruits, vegetables, fish, shellfish, seafood, snails and more…
Bottoms and elements are made of high quality peeled poplar wood.
Our products completely correspond to European Union (EU) and Serbian standards and can be exported to the countries of Europe .


wooden fruit box bottoms, peeled wood 

Official web site:                  

wood fruit box, wooden packaging and solutions
   Address:  Arsenija Čarnojevića 50,  21201 Rumenka, Serbia
wooden bottoms, poplar bottoms

  Mob:         +381(0) 63 84 12 143,  +381(0) 65 840 80 70
  Tel/Fax:     +381(0) 21 6216 972
elements for fruit boxes

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Recycling, Wooden packaging for fruits and boxes